Friday, July 4, 2008

My sister Iabelle

My little sister Isabelle is 2 years old and she can talk really well.I am really happy to have a sister like her.I think it is cool that I can play with her and not worry whether or not she is going to get heart.I think she is the best sister I could ever have. she can swim properly and is able to ride her bike with no trainer wheels she is nearly able to ride a skate board she only needs to get her balancing right and shes set.she is very independent and wants to do everything by her self.She is always copying what I do wants to do everything I do and it can get irritating sometimes.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Zanes two triathalons

Zane woke up at 5:30 so he was able to get ready for the triathlon.It was cold and busy when Zane got there.nervous and excited Zane's first triathlon the gun goes and he is off, first in the water . Zane came 3rd in his heat he was very happy with himself